Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020-21 Los Angeles Fellows Program in Public Affairs has been adjusted to operate fully virtually until circumstances and local public health mandates related to COVID-19 prevention allow. While safeguarding the health and safety of our Fellows and their households as well as that of our staff, program partners, and community members is a primary concern, we are also deeply committed to preserving the integrity of the Fellows Program experience. While this year, no doubt, presents unusual challenges and circumstances, it also affords us all many unique opportunities to learn about and exercise leadership, and “rise to the occasion”.

Though this year’s Fellows may not be physically “in the field” in the traditional sense, the cohort is still very much “in play”, diving into their exploration of the Southern California region via virtual placements, seminars, and Focus Weeks, and connecting with Coro community members via virtual meetings. While opportunities to connect directly with the Fellows may be limited to virtual events and meetings (for now), we invite you to #followtheFellows as they share about their experiences and learning over the course of their (unconventional) Coro journey via the following blog posts and on our social media channels.


Water & Energy in SoCal

Fellows embarked on their last Focus Week to learn the ins and outs of the water and energy systems…

Spring Projects

Entering into the last phase of our Fellowship experience in mid-April, the 63rd class of Coro Fellows in Public…

Labor Sector Placement

On Monday, March 22nd, the 63rd Class of Coro Fellows started their final placement rotation in organized labor. Fellows…

Focus Week: Transportation

On March 15, 2021 – March 19, 2021 the Coro Southern California Fellows began our Transportation Focus Week, meeting…

Private Sector Placement

On Tuesday, February 16th, the Coro Southern California Fellows started their Private Sector Placements, working at a host of…

Sacramento Week

Every year, the Fellows visit Sacramento for State Government Week. This year, things were a little different. Instead of…

Government Placement

On Monday, January 11th, the Coro Southern California Fellows started our Government Sector Placements, working at a host of…

Nonprofit Placement

On November 30, the 63rd class of the Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs began our Nonprofit Placement. This…

FOCUS WEEK #2 Land Use, Housing, & Development in a Post-Pandemic LA

FOCUS WEEK #2: Land Use, Housing, & Development in a Post-Pandemic LA On November 16, the 63rd class of…

FOCUS WEEK #1: Local Pandemic Impact

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